Monday, December 10, 2007
Hotel Rwanda
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Africa Cartoon
This cartoon represents the way the Europeans just came to Africa and mistreated the natives of the continent. This cartoon shows how Africa was kept underneath the boot. This boot is placed in the middle of the African map that gives the message that the Europeans took control of the whole continent and mistreated all the citizens of all the countries. This foot also shows how all the land was taken away from the Africans.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Scramble for Africa
I wanted to get land before the other countries step in and call it their's. I wasn't very succesful because I had the least roll and I was at the very last in the turns. Red/ Great Britain won because they had a lot of land and they had most of their land in the coasts of Africa. I would say that Belgium lost because they have hardly any land. They had to give up all of their land at one point tin the game.
Monday, November 19, 2007
5 Themes of Geography
Human Environmental Interaction
The 5 themes of geography in the book "Waiting for the Rain" are:
- When Tengo travels to Johannesburg by train on page 84-85
- The aparthied could be considered a region that separates the blacks from the whites and keeps everyone in their respective townships. On page 57-58 where Tengo is treated very badly in Frikkie's house.
- When Tengo and Emma drink cold drinks outside when it's hot on page 169
- Frikkie's house is a location on page 57-58
- Winchester drive #77, miller's house on page 90
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Analyzing the Cartoon
This cartoon shows how England had conquered many countries when it had the power. This is the main political issue of the cartoon.
I would guess that when designing this cartoon the author was thinking that England had too much power and that they had been conquering too many countries.
England with all its tentacles in so many countries, that is where I say the cartoonist feels this way.
Maybe the cartoonist could give a birds view of many English men/octopuses trying to get all the countries.
I think there is some evidence of CRAP. There are many colors and they are repeating. There are enough legs and enough countries on each side and there countries are all around.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Violence makes more Violence
Firstly, if you take a look at many countries that seem to be going through conflicts, when one country bombs another country and kills innocent people, you get a immediate response with around another thousand people dead from a few more bomb blasts.
You can see conflicts everywhere. Secondly, in war. you can see more and more violence everyday.
And thirdly, in normal everyday fights with friends and family. Fights bring in more violence.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
to think about it, everyone is a leader. You are your life's leader. The way you choose to live it, is up to you.
I think that Avi has some of these qualities and so does Lucas. I say that everyone is a leader for themselves.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Parent Teacher Conference Peices
I am getting old and I do want to retire, and the fellow is offering me a fortune. Now then, I don’t know what to do, and I am dangling in a situation that is irresistible! How I would love to live the rest of my life in pure peace with no work. But then again it is hard to believe that I will hand over more than 40 years of my life.
The piece that I had some trouble with was the Expository piece. I feel that I didn't put much effort into it. The piece was not in a flow and wasn't too descriptive. Some sentences were hard to understand. Here are some sentences.
In our museum display, you will see how Andrew Carnegie and James Watt were very important with the history of the Industrial Revolution. You will also learn what the dates were for few of the most important aspects of the Industrial Revolution.
The Importance of WOW
WOW is very important in the school’s curriculum since what we learn at WOW, we don’t learn at school. Some reasons why WOW is important is because we live in a country with an exceptional diverse environment. As we live in this environment, it is our duty to learn about it. WOW takes us to many different places that we don’t visit very often. Secondly, we get a brake from school and our family. We learn how to be with others and experience fun without having it all your way. We learn about the culture of
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Goals Feedback
I think that three goals that I can work on are that I can get a better grade on my tests, I can concentrate and learn more better, and lastly, I can still work on better handwriting.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Expository Piece
Sept/ 24/ 07
Period 2/8
Welcome to our museum display, where you will learn where, how, and why iron, steel, coal, and steam were important factors in the industrial revolution. Steel was obviously an important ingredient because without steel, many of the parts of the machines could not be made. Many objects were manufactured by machines; therefore scarcity of steel would be a tragedy.
Coal was a very important substance that was used to heat other objects. Steel wasn’t the only substance needed to make useful objects; coal was the actual source of energy which allowed the machines to work. Iron had an important role to play since iron and steel were two elements that went together. Anyone who had an iron business at that time would have earned loads of money.
In our museum display, you will see how Andrew Carnegie and James Watt were very important with the history of the Industrial Revolution. You will also learn what the dates were for few of the most important aspects of the Industrial Revolution.
News Article
New York: 1901
The well known ”Steel” man Andrew Carnegie, has been in the steel business for more than 40 years and has recently made plans of selling it his company. As talked about last time, John Pierpont Morgan has a plan of taking all the steel companies and making it into one. Andrew Carnegie is currently revising Morgan’s offer for the company. Selling the company would mean that there will be one less steel company.
As soon as Carnegie makes his final decision, all the shares of Carnegie’s company will be converted into the US Steel. For those of us who have bought shares in Carnegie’s company are most likely to gain a profit since Morgan has already has many factories which he has bought from other steel companies.
If Carnegie’s steel company is sold, then US Steel shall be the leading steel company in the United States. We have uncovered that if Carnegie sells his company he will get Millions (2007’s $120 billion). We have also found out that if Carnegie sells his company, then he will become the 2nd richest man on the planet. Carnegie speaks of profit and how there will be no good in keeping the company since all the other steel companies are sold to US Steel.
There is quite a wait for Carnegie’s answer towards Morgan’s offer. Everyone is anxious to know the future of steel. If Carnegie sells his company, then Morgan will have all the minor and major steel companies under his power.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Letter of Andrew Carnegie
I was wondering if you could help me get over this dilemma I am going through. My problem is that a fellow businessman named John Pierpont Morgan has plans of taking over my company that has been my life for more than 40 years. I am getting old and I do want to retire, and the fellow is offering me a fortune. Now then, I don’t know what to do, and I am dangling in a situation that is irresistible! How I would love to live the rest of my life in pure peace with no work. But then again it is hard to believe that I will hand over more than 40 years of my life. My dearest brother Thomas who shared the ups and downs with me passed away only some time ago. I still can’t bear the absence of Thomas’s presence even today. If I let go of my dream, I will live the life of a king but then that would result in losing my life. I write this letter to you so that you know that I am thinking of selling our dream. I don’t think there is any good in keeping this company since this business man has already made a chain of factories that he bought from other companies. Therefore if I keep my dream it will result in a loss for me because it has such mighty opponents.
Andrew Carnegie
Interview with Andrew Carnegie
“I was born on November 25 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland. My father was a hand loom weaver and my mother was a daughter of a shoemaker. I also have a brother called Thomas. Although my father was not the richest man it town, he gave me a good education and took great care of my present and my future.”
What were your first jobs like?
“At the age of 16, I worked as a telegraph messenger boy. I was paid $2.50 for my work there. As I grew I was employed by many more telegraph companies and I also worked in the railway. I was also a superintended in the Civil War!”
What happened to your brother?
“Well, when my business was a success, my younger brother died at the age of 43. It was a really tragic moment in my life.”
How did you start your steel company?
“Because I had many years of experience working in many fields, I knew how to work with others. My steel company was called Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Steel Company. It was a great success in my life. This was the main reason that I became a rich man.”
Who was John Pierpont Morgan and what role did he play in your life?
After handling my company well, I later met up with John Pierpont Morgan who was interested in buying my company. I had thought about it, thus, I was going to sell my company and retire and so I did. Since my company was one of the largest in the business, I sold it for a great fortune. I sold it for 2007’s $120 billion. This was how I changed from being a hand loom weaver’s son to being the second richest man in the world.”
Feedback on the 1870's Stock Market Game
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Mid Term Goals
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Advantages and Disadvantages about The Industrial Revolution
The world began to go to at a faster pace.
There was a lot of mass production going on.
There were more facilities for people.
More people had jobs.
People went more rich.
There were cheap things in great quantity
There was more to do than do sit around the house doing nothing.
You didn't do all the work yourself.
Some disadvantages were that:
Children had to work.
More people died.
Earth got polluted.
Children risked their lives every day.
There was no more craftsmanship.
People lost their land.
Some people went poor.
People had to migrate to cities.
These are some of them. There are many more but I think that the world is a more facilitated place so all this was worth it.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Factory Game # 2
Factory Game
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Roller Coaster Ride

As I waited for my turn on Hong Kong's most famous Roller Coaster ride, I felt my stomach rumbling. I was freaked out by the roller coster coming to an end and all the riders dismounting off of it. As I blinked my eyes, it was my turn to ride. My friend sat next to me and i held on tight to the rubber handle. My hands were already sweating and i could feel them slip off the handle. As the ride started i said in my mind " This is it!!!", and in a millisecond we were off to a dashing start. I started tasting air in my mouth and the breeze walloping my face. I heard a thundering sound that made me go bonkers. As we came to a halt, I actually wanted to have on more go, but then i thought to myself that wait a second there are more rides. So my friend and I came off of the roller coaster and were strolling away to another ride.
Photo by
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Fruit Roll Ups

Image by

Image found at
Monday, August 13, 2007
My Gang
First Week of School Feedback
We had a lot to do and we didn't have much time. We had to get to class in time so that we didn't miss anything.
Unfortunately, I didn't know that school started on the 7th and so i missed half the day of the first day of school.
Luckily my sister got a call and so we went and missed only half the day.
I think that humanities was really fun. I missed one part of it but i was there for the second part. I really enjoyed my day at school mostly because of humanities. We were introduced to the classroom and we had to find out about our teacher after looking at his room. that was the best!!!
One of my goal for this year in humanities is that I would like to improve my handwriting. At the end of the year I would like to see better Handwriting on my paper.